Talk:I want to send an anonymous email


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
link from "email metadata"008:53, 20 November 2015
About the Paranoici remailer118:32, 15 November 2015

link from "email metadata"


I would replace the link to the MIT's Immersion project with one to the wiki page on Email, because the Immersion project doesn't explain what metadata is.

Floriana (talk)08:53, 20 November 2015

About the Paranoici remailer


Perhaps you want to add that the remailer is run by Autistici/Inventati? I guess this would make it a bit more trustworthy.

Floriana (talk)14:36, 25 September 2015

The guide assumes all links are credible and lead to 'trustworthy' sources. Already the selected links are hand picked from a variety of possiblities

Dmitri (talk)18:32, 15 November 2015