Talk:I want to learn about circumventing Internet censorship


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
CENO and Caislean010:57, 20 November 2015
Setting up proxy servers010:29, 5 October 2015
Guides + Security in a box010:26, 5 October 2015

CENO and Caislean


Shouldn't CENO and Caislean be mentioned here?

Floriana (talk)10:57, 20 November 2015

Setting up proxy servers


It may make sense to say what level of computer proficiency is required for "a friend living in another country" to set up a proxy or VPN so that readers do not have high expectations or do not think that this is impossible.

Ania (talk)10:29, 5 October 2015

Guides + Security in a box


There is an extra "guide" word in this sentence: "or a practical multilingual guide on how to remain anonymous and bypass censorship on the Internet guide from the Security in-a-box project".

If this Q&A will be translated into languages other than English, it may make sense--when making references to various guides and manuals--which language versions they are available in, e.g. "available only in English" or, like for Security in a box that it's a multilingual resource.

Also, it seems like Security in a box has not been updated for quite a while (at least some parts of it), I wonder if it is possible to work with the current managers (?) on having it updated/kept up to date.

Ania (talk)10:26, 5 October 2015