Lesson 4 Exercises

Exercise 1 Go through the https://security.ngoinabox.org/en/truecrypt _main.html chapter to set up an encrypted partition. Practice moving files in an out of the encrypted container.

Exercise 2 Go through the https://security.ngoinabox.org/en/truecrypt _hiddenvolumes.html to create a hidden volume inside your existing volume from the previous section. Practice moving files in an out of the hidden volume, as well as mounting the outer and the hidden volume.

Exercise 3 Install the https://security.ngoinabox.org/en/recuva_main.html tool. Practice deleting and then restoring deleted data from your computer or USB memory stick.

Exercise 4 Install and practice using the https://security.ngoinabox.org/ en/eraser_main.html software.

Exercise 5 Install and configure secure deletion settings for https://security.ngoinabox.org/en/ccleaner_main.html Delete temporary files created by Windows and relevant web applications.