Talk:I want to know about options for private chat

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Telegram013:15, 20 November 2015
Jabber service with autonomous servers014:59, 25 September 2015


Since the mentioned tools should be open source, I'm not sure Telegram should be recommended here. While its client is open source, the server isn't.

Floriana (talk)13:15, 20 November 2015

Jabber service with autonomous servers

After "These clients work with your existing accounts on Google, Facebook, Yahoo, etc. and encrypt the conversation on the respective networks", I'd add that this service is also offered by default to all Riseup and Autistici/Inventati users -- and -- and that there are autonomous servers like offering it without an email account --

Floriana (talk)14:59, 25 September 2015
Last modified on 25 September 2015, at 14:59