

137 bytes added, 7 years ago
* If the received message has a session id, but the confirmed participant does not have a session is not part of the session then the participant will ignore the message, unless the message is of PARTICIPANT_INFO.
* If the received message is of PARTICIPANT_INFO for which , the user doesn't have corresponding session or then the FSM of next_in_activation_line will treat the session. For the definition of next_in_activation_line see Session Transmission section.
* If the received message does not have a session id, then it is a JOIN_REQUEST then the FSM of next_in_activation_line will treat the session. For the definition of next_in_activation_line see Session Transmission section.
=====Finite State Table=====
If a message is received when there is no handler it will be ignored.
=====Explaniantion of the handlers=====
* '''authenticate and send share''' called by the joiner, computes authentication token with each of the participants and the user share of the session key and send a JOINER_AUTH Message. Beside generating share it acts like '''authenticate and store share'''.
When a confirmed participant receive this message start a new session with the joiner added to it. The state of new session will be RE_SHARED.
======Explaniantion of the handlers======
authenticate and reshare
=====Session transmission=====