
Np1sec/concurrent join

90 bytes added, 9 years ago
Each occupant can mark each session with one of the '''5 statuses: {current, in-limbo, dead}'''
'''current''': User messages are being encrypted and decrypted in the current session. The join request will be processed by this session.
'''in-limbo''': A session which is receiving shares and confirmationconfirmations, this session can potentially become the next session if it receives session confirmation from all users.
'''dead''': The session is abandoned and not going to become the current session.
<math> sid, (U_1,y_1,...,U_{joiner},y_{joiner},...), kc_{i}, z_{i}</math>
'''From each user <math>i</math>. The joiner makes a session for each <math>sid</math> which contains them as a participant, the user initiates a session and gathers shares. When a session receives all shares, it computes the session key and becomes the current session.''' All other sessions can remain in limbo or get discarded based on the memory capacity of the implementation and security requirement.
==Session picking protocol for current occupant of the current session==
If <math>m</math> users are joining that session concurrently, there are <math>S_1,...,S_m</math> sessions in-limbo which are receiving shares and authentication messages.
'''If the <math>U_l</math> , currently in room signal the session, signals to leave the room , a new session <math>S_l</math> is created. Each Furthermore, each session <math>S_j</math> in-limbo which has <math>U_l</math> as participants, results in the creation of new session <math>S_{j'}</math> with user <math>U_l</math> omitted. and <math>S_j</math> is marked as dead.'''
The user <math>U_i</math> sends the shares and authentication token necessary for each session. The first session which receives all confirmations will become the main session, and the joiner user of that session becomes the current session. '''All other <math>S_j</math> results result in new session sessions <math>S_{j''}</math> to which <math>U_{joiner}</math> is added. previous "Previous active (current" ) session of the room becomes in-limbo.'''
in-limbo -> {in-limbo, dead, current}
current -> in-limbo