Difference between revisions of "Np1sec/Specification"

(Textual description moved to overview doc)
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=== Sending and receiving messages while joining is in progress ===
=== Leave ===
=== Leave ===
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   <span style="font-family: serif; font-size: larger; font-variant:small-caps;">'''Broadcast</span>'''(":3mpCAT:3KeyShare:3", <math>myId</math>, <math>keyShare_{myId}</math>, <math>originAuthSignature</math>)  # we can send this encrypted but leaving person can read it, hence theoretically it is the same as sending it unencrypted.
   <span style="font-family: serif; font-size: larger; font-variant:small-caps;">'''Broadcast</span>'''(":3mpCAT:3KeyShare:3", <math>myId</math>, <math>keyShare_{myId}</math>, <math>originAuthSignature</math>)  # we can send this encrypted but leaving person can read it, hence theoretically it is the same as sending it unencrypted.
=== Secure Send and Receive ===
After the session key is established, participants will use Algorithms [[mpCAT#Send|5]] and [[mpCAT#Receive|6]] to communicate securely.
On Send, the protocol checks the status of the new ephemeral Diffie-Hellman and key share using messages it receives from participants. It (re)sends any missing pieces. It also informs other participants which part of the key share is received by that user. The metadata flag indicates if the message being sent only contains meta data (e.g. heartbeat) or actual user communication.
On Receive, the protocol updates who has which pieces of the key shares. The protocol also generates a new group key if the new key shares have been received from all participants or those who have not updated their key shares time out on their heartbeat interval.

Revision as of 13:02, 3 October 2014


Chat setup

Chatroom setup

Procedure Chatroom Init
Input: newRoomName,participantNick
  global myId:=1
  global Nick_{{myId}}:=participantNick
  global roomName:=newRoomName
  global x_{{myId}},y_{{myId}}:= Generate Initial Paramters(myId)
  global signatureKey_{{myId}}:=(x_{{myId}},y_{{myId}})



Procedure Join
Input: newRoomName, Nickname_{{myId}}, participantId
  global myId:=participantId
  global roomName:=newRoomName
  x_{{myId}},y_{{myId}}:=Generate Initial Paramters(myId)
  global signatureKey_{{myId}}:=(x_{{myId}},y_{{myId}})
  Broadcast(":3mpCAT:3Join:3", myId, Nickname_{{myId}}, y_{{myId}})
  global participantList,ephemeralPublicPointList:= Receive()
  global sessionId:= Compute Session Id(roomName, participantList, ephemeralPublicPointList)
  Sign and Send Key Confirmation and Shares()
  Wait On Receive(":3mpCAT:3KeyConfirmationShare:3")
  global keyShareList,keyConfirmationList,signatureList:= Receive()
  Verify Key Confirmations and Signatures(keyConfirmationList, signatureList)
  Update Session Key()

Procedure Receive Session Digest
Input: currentSessionHistoryDigest
  global sessionDigest:=currentSessionHistoryDigest

Protocol for other participants already in the chat to accept the newcomer

Procedure Accept
Input: newParticipant
  Broadcast(":3mpCAT:3Join:3", myId, Nickname_{{myId}}, y_{{myId}})
  Wait On Receive(":3mpCAT:3Join:3")
  global nick_{{NewParticipant}}, ephemeralPublicPoint_{{NewParticipant}}:= Receive()
  Update Lists(nick_{{NewParticipant}}, ephemeralPublicPoint_{{NewParticipant}})
  global sessionId:= Compute Session Id(roomName, participantList, ephemeralPublicPointList)
  Sign and Send Key Confirmation and Shares()
  Wait On Receive(":3mpCAT:3KeyConfirmationShare:3")
  global keyShareList,keyConfirmationList,signatureList:= Receive()
  Verify Key Confirmations and Signatures(keyConfirmationList, signatureList)
  Update Session Key()


Leaving a chatroom involves only one procedure for those who are staying in the chatroom (Procedure Farewell) which is described in Algorithm 4. The remaining participants only need a notice from the server that the user is leaving to re-run the one round key update algorithm. Also, failure to receive a heartbeat from a user will result in executing Algorithm 4 excluding users which did not update their key.


Procedure Shrink on Leave
Input: leaverId
  remove leaverId from participantIdList
  global sessionId:= Compute Session Id()
  if |participantList|>1, then
    Sign and Send Key Shares()
    Wait On Receive(":3mpCAT:3KeyShare:3")
    keyShareList := Receive()
    Update Session Key(keyShareList)

Procedure Sign and Send Key Shares
  global z_{{myId-1,myId}}:=Hash(k_{{myId,myId-1}},sessionId)
  global z_{{myId,myId+1}}:=Hash(k_{{myId,myId+1}},sessionId)
  keyShare_{{myId}}:=z_{{myId-1,myId}}\oplus z_{{myId,myId+1}}
  originAuthSignature:= ED25519Sign(SignatureKey, sessionId || z_{{myId}})
  Broadcast(":3mpCAT:3KeyShare:3", myId, keyShare_{{myId}}, originAuthSignature)  # we can send this encrypted but leaving person can read it, hence theoretically it is the same as sending it unencrypted.


Procedure Send

Input: metaMessage, message
  keyShareMessage = NewKeyShareMessage(metaMessage)
  cryptMessage := AES CTR Encrypt(sessionKey,message|keyShareMessage)
  originAuthSignature := ED25519Sign(SignatureKey, sessionId || cryptMetatMessage)
  sessionDigest := Compute Session Digest(lastMessage)
  Broadcast(":3mpCAT:3", sessionId, cryptMessage, sessionDigest, originAuthSignature,":3")


Procedure Receive

Input: sender, encryptedMessage, originAuthSignature, sessionDigest

  v:= ED25519VerifySignature(ephemeralPublicKeyList[Sender], sessionId||encryptedMessage, originAuthSignature)
  Assert(v) or return Reject
  message,keyShareMessage:= AES CTR Decrypt(sessionKey, encryptedMessage){}
  Verify Digests(sessionDiges)
  return{isMetaMessage,message}  # isMetaMessage is true if the message is purely meta message and there is nothing to display

Common functions

Common functions used by other procedures in different stages

Procedure Generate Initial Paramters
Input: myId
  signaturePrivateKey:= RandomBits(256)
  x_{{myId}}:= Ed25519 Scalar(signaturePrivateKey)) #{This is both Diffie-Hellman secret and ephemeral signature private key}
  return x,y

Procedure Verify Key Confirmation and Signatures
Input: signatureList, keyConfirmationList
  for each participant\in participantList, do
    if keyConfirmationList[participant][myId]\neq Hash(k_{{myId,participant}},U_{{myId}}), then
    else if ED25519VerifySignature(ephemeralPublicKeyList[particicpant], sessionId|keyShares[myId], originAuthSignature) = Fail , then

Procedure Compute Session Id
Input: participantList, ephemeralPublicPointList
  return Hash(roomName,zip(participantList,ephemeralPublicPointList))  # zip([a,b],[c,d]):=[(a,c),(b,d)]

Procedure Verify Signatures
Input: longPublicList,schnorrRandomPointList, 
# standard signature verification

Procedure Sign and Send Key Confirmation and Share
Input: schnorrRandomPointList
  for each participant\in participantList, do
    k_{{myId,participant}}:=Hash(x_{{myId}}LP_{{participant}}|lp_{{myId}}y_{{participant}}|x_{{myId}}y_{{participant}})  # Triple DH
  global z_{{myId-1,myId}}:=Hash(k_{{myId,myId-1}},sessionId)
  global z_{{myId,myId+1}}:=Hash(k_{{myId,myId+1}},sessionId)
  keyShare_{{myId}}:=z_{{myId-1,myId}}\oplus z_{{myId,myId+1}}
  originAuthSignature:= ED25519Sign(SignatureKey, sessionId || z_{{myId}})
  Broadcast(":3mpCAT:3KeyConfirmationAndShare:3", myId, keyShare_{{myId}}, originAuthSignature, kc_{{myId}})

Procedure Update Session Key
Input: keyShareList
  for each {j\in [i,...,i+n-1]}, do
     z_{{j,j+1}}:=z_{{j-1,j}}\oplus keyShareListe[j+1]
    # recovered z_{{i-1,i}} should be equal to its original value
   global sessionKey:=Hash(z_{{j,j+1}}|j\in [1...n])

Procedure Sign Params Update Session Key
Input: toBeSigned, signatureList,keyShareList
  Update Session Key()
  signature_{{myId}}:=Sign Session and Send(toBeSigned)

Procedure ComputeSessionDigest
Input: lastMessage
  for each message in Messages Received from lastDigestedMessage+1 till lastMessage, do
     LRU Cache Store Digest(sessionDigest, message)
  return sessionDigest,lastMessageId

Procedure NewKeyShareMessage
Input: metaMessage
# Based on metaMessage Determines what type of keyshare needs to be send (Ephemeral point or Group key share) and returen it.

Procedure UpdateNewKeyStatus
Input: keyShareMessage
# Update the table of which participant has sent its new ephemeral point or its new group key share

Procedure Hash
Input: message
   return SHA-512(message)