
How can I stop spam

999 bytes added, 9 years ago
|Scenario Task Parent=I want to be protected from malicious emails
|Scenario Task Type=Profiling your identity and actions
|Scenario Task Description=Unfortunately you can't :( Once your email address ends up on the spammers' lists, the only thing you can do is to install a good spam cleaner or use an email provider that offers this service (quite common these days). Its very easy to end up on these lists especially with the prevalence of the [ data broker industry]. Here's some tips for keeping your email address out of the spammers' hands:
*Maintain several email accounts for various functions: work, friends and family, online transactions, email groups and lists
*Never give out your 'spam free' email address to a 3-rd party
*Register several email addresses on your smartphone and be careful which one you use to download apps with
*Do not reply to spam! That confirms your email address
*Whenever you need to display your email address on a public site, use clever techniques to masquerade it.
*Use a [ temporary email address]
Bureaucrat, emailconfirmed, administrator, translator