Stuff Missing

Listing currently outstanding content:

- Access to the Web > A Website I am Trying to Access is Unreachable > All the following responses still need to be written. - Computer > All the following categories/responses still need to be written - My Website > All the following categories/responses still need to be written - Phones category still needs to be drafted out - Social Network > It would be useful to provide ways to improve privacy for the most popular social networks, particularly Facebook since its privacy settings are washy and most users might not understand how to restrict their content in the way that they actually want without additional research.

Last point, the tone is a little inconsistent. The Email category for example is fairly casual whereas the other categories seem more serious. Not a value judgement here as I actually think casual might be better but we might need to apply consistency in tone.

AlwaysRememberPOOP (talk)21:44, 9 September 2015
Last modified on 27 September 2024, at 15:00